History Of Wrexhamian Lodge
Forming the Lodge – February 15th to October 25th 1948
- W.Bro. F. W. Diggory. P.Pr.S.G.W.
- W.Bro. J. Roberts Prov.G.Purs.
- W.Bro. H. Jones P.Pr.G.St.Br.
- W.Bro. G. Ellis Jones P.M.
- W.Bro. Dr. H. Arwel Thomas P.M.
- Bro. J. Maldwyn Davies
- Bro. R. C. Roberts
- Bro. Thomas Lythgoe
- Bro. D. Ellis Williams
- Bro. R. D. Owen
- Bro. J. Unwin
- W.Bro. G. R. Knox-Mawer P.G.St.Br.
- W.Bro. O. Alun Davies P.Pr.Asst.Sec.
- W.Bro. W. D. Jackson P.M.
- W.Bro. H. Humphreys. P.M.
- Bro. Alfred Jones
- Bro. E. T. Hanmer
- Bro. J. R. Nichols
- Bro. W. D. Blythen
- Bro. L. H. Livingstone
- Bro. A. H. Voyce
- Bro. R. E. Turner
- W.Bro. G. W. Turner Pr.A.G.D.C.
- W.Bro. A. W. H. Johnson P.Pr.A.G.D.C.
- W.Bro. Capt. E. Davies P.M.
- W.Bro. N. C. Sunter P.M.
- Bro. Langshaw Rowland
- Bro. E. W. Davies
- Bro. T. K Lythgoe
- Bro. S. Kershaw
- Bro. H. Elwyn Williams
- Bro. S. F. Leedham
- Bro. Dr. A. Wesley Hill
The Name:
At the original meeting it was asked for suggestions for the new name of the “Proposed New Lodge”, Many names were submitted, these were; “Wrexhamian”,”Grosvenor”,”Erddig”,”Good Fellowship”,”United”, and “Wats Dyke”. After much discussion it was resolved to provisionally adopt the name “Good Fellowship”. At a later meeting on Sunday February 22nd, A ballot was taken to finalise the choice of a name. The names mentioned were “Sir Leonard”, “Acton”, “Dymock”, “Maelor”, “Grove Park”, “Grosvenor”, “Minerva”, “Goof Fellowship”, and “Wrexhamian”. The results of the ballot were “Wrexhamian” 9, “Acton” 6, “Sir Leonard” 5, “Maelor” 4, “Grosvenor” 1, “Minerva” 1, and “Good Fellowship” 1. This went to a show of hands between “Wrexhamian” and “Acton”. The voting resulted in 15 for “Wrexhamian” and 8 for “Acton”. The Name “Wrexhamian” was therefore adopted by general assent.
The Crest:

The Consecration Ceremony – Saturday 30th October 1948
- S.W. W.Bro. P. Bennet Lloyd. P.G.D.
- J.W. W.Bro. Charles E. Salt Prov.S.G.W.
- Chap. W.Bro. D. SaundersRees P.A.G. Chap Asst.P.G.M
- Sec. W.Bro. Crossley Colley Prov.G.Sec
- Dir Of Cer. W.Bro. Howell T. Lewis Prov.G.D.C
- Organist W.Bro. A. G. Camp P.Pr.G.W.
- Inner Guard W.Bro. Morris Owen Prov.J.G.W.
- Tyler Bro. T. H. Newy P.Pr.G.Tyler
The 1st 25 Years – 1948 to 1973
The second regular Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms, 28 High Street, Wrexham on Friday 26th November 1948 at 6:00pm.
The business of the evening was to Ballot for two joining members. W.Bro. E. Davies, and W.Bro. R. C. Roberts, and to Ballot for and if approved Initiate one of the following. Mr. H. J. Bennet, or Mr. H. Powell. Both were favourable received, and Mr. H. J. Benner was duly Initiated.
(The Lodge then went from strength to strength, having cause on a number of occasions to shut down the membership list.)
W. Bro. A. Jones and Bro. W. D. Blythen presented copies of the Opening and Closing Odes.
Bro. J.A. Price gave a chest to hold Lodge property.
Bro. L. H. Livingston presented a Rough Ashlar.
25th March 1949
Bro. R. C. Roberts made a gift of a Heavy Maul and Gavels
Bro. L.H. Livingston made a gift of a small copy of the 3rd Degree Tracing Board
30th December 1949
W. Bro. J. Roberts proposed that our regular day of meeting be changed to the 2nd Wednesday in the Month, seconded by W.Bro G.W. Turner. After lengthy discussion the proposition was withdrawn.
27th January 1950
Bro. E. W. Mossford made a gift of a Perfect Ashlar
29th September 1950
Communications from Grand Lodge.
Is is felt that with the end of clothes rationing, it is not unreasonable to hope that Dark Suits, Black Shoes, Ties and white collars will become the general wear for Masonic Clothing.
The board strongly recommends to Masters of Lodges, on whom the final responsibility must rest. That they should by example and encouragement, lead their Members to the Standard of dress compatible with the order.
30th May 1951
The Worshipful Master refereed to the Honour conferred on W.Bro. G. W. Turner on being nominated as Mayor of Wrexham.
25th January 1952
Communication from Grand Lodge
Masters of Lodges should have permission from 1/1/52 to order the wearing of White Gloves.
29th February 1952
The Worshipful Master Intimated his desire that the Brethren should wear White Gloves a the next and future meetings.
The Worshipful Master mentioned that at the next meeting in place of the usual Charity Collection, a special collection would be made for R.M.H. And suggested that the minimum contribution be Five Shillings.
31st December 1959
The P.G.M. Desired that every Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft be handed a Ritual of that Degree through which he has passed. A copy of both has been received from P.G.L. The Members agreed this practice be adopted in the Lodge. W.Bro. J. Roberts would donate additional copies.
24th February 1961
the 101st Regular Meeting was a ceremony of Initiation.
On entering the Lodge the P.G.M. The Lord Kenyon occupied the Masters Chair, and Initiated the Candidate Mr Peter Kent.
The Charge in the N.E. Corner was delivered by W. Bro. Howell T. Lewis. Provincial Grand Secretary. The Lord Kenyon delivered the Charge after Initiation. The Worshipful Master resumed his rightful place in the Chair of King Solomon.
24th April 1962
A meeting was called for the 4/5/62 to discuss the issues regarding the new Masonic premises at Maesgwyn Hall. Mold Road Wrexham
W. Bro I. Glynne Jones proposed, the Lodge invests £100 in the New Masonic Hall Company.
27th November 1962
A letter for seating for the Dedication of the Temple in January 1963. Only 11 places were available and the Worshipful Master promised these would be issued on a fair basis.
27th September 1963
The 1st Regular Meeting to be held at Maesgwyn Hall, Mold Road, Wrexham was the 120th Regular Meeting of the Lodge
Officers of the Lodge were;-
- W.M. W.Bro. Philip Crotty
- I.P.M. W.Bro. Fred Roberts
- S.W. Bro. Fred Ward
- J.W. Bro. Emlyn Rowlands
- Chaplin. Bro. Rev. E. Whitford Roberts
- Treasurer. W.Bro. Hugh Jones. P.Pr.G.W.
- Secretary. W.Bro. I. Glynne Jones
- Dir of Cers. W.Bro. Tom Lythgoe P.Pr.A.G.D.C.
- S.D. Bro. D. R. Charles
- J.D. Bro. E. Hopwood
- A.D.C. W.Bro. D.Ellis Williamd P.Pr.Dep.G.Swd.Br.
- Almoner. W.Bro. Arthur Hughes
- Organist. Bro. D. Trevor Evans
- Asst. Sec. Bro Gwylfa Roberts
- I.G. Bro Harold Robbins
- Stewards Bros; Ed Roberts, W. Sanders, Alun Davies, A. S. Jones, W. H. Evans, Bryan Jones, Percy Jackson, Syndey Carter, F.E. Parry, Ron Davies
- Tyler. Bro. H. Emlyn Jones. Prov. G.Tyler
The Worshipful Master expressed his own pleasure and that of the Lodge, on meeting for the first time at Maesgwyn Hall. He paid tribute to the Architect, Builders and the Directors of the Masonic Hall Company.
The main Labour of the evening was to Pass two of the following;
Bro. J.W. Roberts, Bro. J. M. Rowley, Bro. G.N. Peart.
The Charity Collection raised the sum of £4-2s-6d.
There being no further business for the good of Freemasonry in General or this the Wrexhamian Lodge in particular the Lodge was closed in due form and Solemn prayer peace and harmony prevailing.
31st October 1969
The 21st Anniversary Meeting of Wrexhamian Lodge No 6715

W.Bro. W. C. Cannon proposed to submit for approval a petition for a Royal Arch Chapter to be attached to the Wrehamian Lodge, This was passed and a document duly signed by the W.M. And his Wardens
25 to 50 Years – 1973 to 1998
The Officers of the Lodge for the 25th Anniversary were;-
- W.M. W.Bro. Arthur Davies
- I.P.M. W.Bro. Ron Davies
- S.W. Bro. C. E. Prior
- J.W. Bro. E. Hopwood
- Chaplin. W.Bro. Alun Davies
- Treasurer.W.Bro. I. Glynne Jones
- Secretary. W.Bro. Fred Roberts
- Dir of Cers. W.Bro. Tom Lythgoe P.Pr.A.G.D.C.
- S.D. Bro. W. Edwards
- J.D. Bro. J. W. Roberts
- A.D.C. W.Bro. J. Ward
- Almoner. W.Bro. J. Ward
- Organist. W.Bro. Vernon Davies
- Asst. Sec. Bro Gwylfa Roberts
- I.G. Bro Ieuan Jones
- Stewards Bros; W. E. Marles, R. L. Marles, C. Cave, J. M. Rowley, M. Belton, A. E. Jones, G. R. Venn, E. J. Buckley, F. L. Williams
- Tyler. Bro. T. O. Williams
The Worshipful Master after opening the Lodge was informed by the Prov. G.D.C. W.Bro. R. Dalrymple, that the R.W.P.G.M. And his Officers demanded Admission. After the customary salutations, to which the R.W.P.G.M. Suitably responded. The W.M. Then invited the R.W.P.G.M. To occupy the chair of King Solomon, and officers of the Provincial Team to occupy the positions required for the ceremony of Passing of Bro. B. C. Jones.
- S.W. W.Bro. Peter Davies P.Pr.S.G.W.
- J.W. W.Bro. J. A. Berry Prov.J.G.W.
- Chaplin. W.Bro. John Pugh. Prov.G.Chap.
- Secretary. W.Bro. J. B. Evens
- S.D. W.Bro. K. A. Knowlson. Rov.S.G.D.
- J.D. W.Bro. G. R. Evens Prov.J.G.D.
- Swd. Br. W.Bro. I. S. Webster. Prov.G.Swd.Br.
- Dep.D.C. W.Bro. H. M. Brigg. P.Pr.Dep.G.D.C.
- Std.Br. W.Bro. R. J. Roberts. Prov.G.Std.Br,
- Std.Br. W.Bro. J. A. Reynolds. Prov.G.Std.Br.
- Organist. W.Bro. G. O. Heald. Prov.G.Org.
- Purs. W.Bro. D.M. Roberts. Prov.G.Purs.
- Stwd. W.Bro. F.Bellis. Prov.G.Stwd.
- Stwd. W.Bro. T. G. Richards. Prov.G.Stwd.
- Tyler. Bro. T. R. Groom. Prov.G.Tyler
The Worshipful Master then resumed his rightful place in the Lodge, and the remainder of the Lodge business was continued.
The Charity collection raised the sum of £19-11p, and in accordance with a succesfull proposition this was made up to £100, and a cheque was then presented to the R.W.P.G.M. For Masonic Charity.
23rd February 1976
A Letter was received from the P.G.L. The appointment of a Charity Steward as an additional Officer of the Lodge.
29th August 1977
A Letter referring to a service to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Masonic Province of North Wales, will be held at St. Asph Cathedral on Sunday 16th October.
28th November 1977
The first residents move into Queen Elizabeth Court.
10th June 1981
A Quarterly Communication was held at Earls Court Exhibition Centre, London;
Year of;
- The 40th Anniversary of the Accession of H.M. The Queen
- the 25th Anniversary of the Installation of his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. K.G. As Grand Master.
the 275th Anniversary of the Formation of the Premier Grand Lodge, at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House in St. Paul’s Churchyard on 24th June 1717.
31st October 1998
The Officers of the Lodge for the 50th Anniversary were;-
- W.M. W.Bro. Arthur Davies
- I.P.M. W.Bro. Ron Davies
- S.W. Bro. C. E. Prior
- J.W. Bro. E. Hopwood
- Chaplin. W.Bro. Alun Davies
- Treasurer. Bro. P. K. Line
- Secretary. W.Bro. P. Marles. Prov.G.Purs.
- Dir of Cers. W.Bro. R. D. Evane
- Almoner. W.Bro. H. F. Westbury. P.Pr.A.G.D.C.
- Charity Steward. W. Bro. D.G.Jones
- S.D. Bro. B. Williams
- J.D. Bro. J. Crump
- A.D.C. W. Bro. B. L. Williams Prov.G.Tyler
- Organist. W.Bro. C. E. Prior P.Pr.J.G.D.
- Asst. Sec. Bro. R. Kane
- I.G. Bro. D. W. Marles
- Stewards Bros; D. E. Jones, T. Ransome. P.K.Line. G. Williams. K. Denoven. E. Hardisty. Paul Marles.
- Tyler. Bro. E. T. Monk.
50 to 75 Years – 1998 to 2023
This meeting was forced to be abandoned due to exceptionally heavy snowfall in and around Wrexham, which closed all the roads and buildings.
22nd September 2013
The Provincial Grand Secretary obtained the permission of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for the Wrexhamian Lodge Website to go live. The website was organised and designed by W.Bro. Wayne Owens.
18th March 2016
Welsh Night. Due to Yale Lodge No 5636 handing in their warrant, the Wrexhamian Lodge have taken over the tradition of celebrating Y Mochyn Du at an annual Welsh Night. The tradition started in 1965 and has been celebrated every year since.

The Lodge was honoured with a visit from W.Bro Ieuan Redvers Jones. Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master as part of his tour of Lodges to mark his final year as Provincial Grand Master. To mark the occasion the Lodge mad a donation of £2017 towards the 2017 Festival.
27th December 2019
At the December meeting the Lodge received for the first time a short lecture taken from Solomon’s Nuggets. The lecture was entitled – “A daily advancement of Masonic Knowledge” and was delivered by the Lodge Mentor – W.Bro Neville Owens.
March of 2020
The Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent, has made the following announcement:
In view of the latest Government advice on the coronavirus pandemic, all Lodge and Chapter meetings within England and Wales are suspended for a period of four months with immediate effect.
The Most Worshipful Grand Master
United Fraternity of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England
24th September 2021
Lockdown being finally over in Wales, Wrexhamian Lodge was again able to hold its meetings. Although this meeting started with a bit of sadness as the Brethren rose in memoriam to R.W.Bro Ieuan Redvers Jones Past Provincial Grand Master, who passed to the Grand Lodge above during Lockdown.
30th September 2023
This was a very sombre meeting which started with the Brethren standing to order in reverence to acknowledge the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, who had been Queen almost as long as the Lodge had existed.
27th September 2023

During the ceremony the Lodge made a Donation of £2028 to the 2028 Festival.
The Officers of the Lodge for the 75th Anniversary were;-
- W.M. W.Bro. G Vaughan Roberts
- I.P.M. W.Bro. Wayne M Owens
- S.W. Bro. David Lewis
- J.W. Bro. Jason Burns
- Chaplin. W.Bro. Paul Middlehurst
- Treasurer. Bro. Peter K. Line
- Secretary. W.Bro. Len Johnson
- Dir of Cers. W.Bro. Andrew Davies
- Almoner. W.Bro. Paul Marles
- Charity Steward. W. Bro. Neville Owens
- Mentor. W.Bro. Michael L Harvey
- Membership Officer. Bro. Keith Martin
- S.D.
- J.D.
- A.D.C. W. Bro. Eamon Quail
- Organist. W.Bro. David Williams
- Asst. Sec. W.Bro. David Spalding
- I.G. Bro. Raymond Paul Dunn
- Stewards Bro; Hugh Jackson
- Tyler. W.Bro. Paul Marles
75 to 100 Years – 2023 to 2048
8th April 2024
Eight members of Wrexhamian Lodge formed a raiding party and visited Connahs Quay Lodge 9219 in an attempt to be the first Lodge to claim the Travelling Gavel since the challenge was restarted in the Province of North Wales. Two other Lodges sent teams along as well, St Melyd Lodge 3840, and St Asaph Lodge 8034. During the evening the visiting lodges laid their claims to the gavel. The successful claim by St Melyd Lodge was celebrated at the festive board when the Master of Connah’s Quay Lodge, Christopher Hewitt presented the gavel to Gareth Benson of St Melyd Lodge. The evening was enjoyed by 57 members and visitors from the various lodges in attendance. Congratulations had to go to St Melyds on obtaining the travelling gavel.