Joining Wrexhamian Chapter
The Royal Arch ritual contains a great spiritual message that will enable every Freemason to contemplate his personal journey of discovery in the light of eternity. Only then will he be able to uncover true wisdom and achieve a complete knowledge of himself. It provides each Brother with a personal epiphany – a moment of sudden realisation of that light, which is from above. It is the vision that requires each one of us to shield our eyes from the brightness of the Divine presence and to bend with humility in realisation of our destiny. Thus, the Royal Arch can truly be said to be the foundation and keystone of the whole Masonic structure.
It is the completion of your journey through pure, Antient Masonry. In its earliest days the Royal Arch degree was often worked in a Craft Lodge as a fourth degree. Indeed, for many years following the reorganisation of Freemasonry after the Union of the Grand Lodges, the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch was stated to be the completion of the Third Degree
Since the early days of speculative Masonry, the Craft and the Royal Arch have enjoyed a very close affinity. Today, the two Orders are administered side-by-side at Freemasons’ Hall in London and the regulations governing both are published together in the Book of Constitutions
A visible example of the link between Freemasonry and the Royal Arch, is the Royal Arch jewel. It is the only non-Craft item of regalia which may be worn in a Craft Lodge.
In conclusion then Brethren, The Holy Royal Arch is a separate Order from, but inextricably linked to the Craft, and it is regarded as the next natural step for a Mason to take after being Raised to the Third Degree, before branching out into the many other avenues of Freemasonry open to him. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the Brethren who are wearing the Jewel of the Order.
To find out more about our fascinating order and in particular how to become a member of our Chapter, please take a few minutes to send us an e-mail via the ‘Contact Us‘ option on the top menu. We will contact you and arrange to answer any further questions you may have regarding Royal Arch Freemasonry and becoming a member of Wrexhamian Chapter.
Wrexhamian Chapter takes its Royal Arch Freemasonry seriously but is very well known in the North Wales Province as a friendly Chapter which knows how to put on a good evening and to have a great time.
There is always a heartfelt and warm welcome. The environment is supportive and understanding a great source of fun for all
New members: We’re looking for new candidates for membership. You do not need to wait for an invitation. If you’re interested in Royal Arch Freemasonry and are thinking of joining a Chapter in North Wales, then Wrexhamian may be the one for you. Just contact us using the Contact Us option from the main menu in order to to obtain more information about Freemasonry, and arrange an informal meeting.
Joining members: If you are already a Royal Arch Freemason and wish to join Wrexhamian Chapter, please contact Scribe Ezra for further details.