Frequently Asked Questions
Freemasons are taught to practise charity and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole – both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals. From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This work continues today. In addition, large sums are given to national and local charities.
Masonic charity is exercised at every level: individual Lodges make gifts and give aid to their own communities and every Province also gives large sums of money to regional causes. Nationally, our efforts are channelled through four main charity organisations:
What is Royal Arch?
The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem, more commonly known as Chapter is often called the completion of every Mason’s journey in pure and ancient freemasonry.
What is it about?
In Chapter the ceremony of initiation is called Exaltation and is based upon the rebuilding of King Solomon’s Temple after it’s destruction by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in about 586 BC.
What does it teach?
It provides a spiritual dimension at which the Craft ceremonies can only hint, leading on naturally to consider what happens after the event so vividly re-enacted in the ceremony of raising.
Is it a Christian Order?
No it is open to all faiths.
Can I join Chapter before going through the Chair in Craft?
Yes you can join Chapter after you have been a Master Mason of one month standing. You can also go through the Chairs of Chapter before you have been through the Chair of a Craft Lodge.
How many times a year does the Chapter meet?
Chapter meetings are called Convocations and most Chapters meet four times a year.
Is there other involvement as in the Craft i.e. LOIs?
In Chapter an LOI is called a Chapter of Improvement and is dependant on the particular Chapter; some have a COI once a month some only have one before a meeting, there is an expectation that by now you are able to assimilate the ritual that much easier; for example there is less ‘floor work’ than the craft. If your Chapter does not have a COI there is a list of dedicated Chapter of Improvements in the Year Book, which you can attend as and when required.
I am progressing through the offices of Craft or another Order is there a lot of ritual to learn?
Within the last few years Supreme Grand Chapter has authorised a revised ritual, which lends itself to the work being shared by a number of Companions. A number of Chapters have adopted the revised workings and are sharing the ritual amongst a number of Companions resulting in less pressure on the individual.
How much will it cost me?
It varies from Chapter to Chapter. Anyone wishing to join will find a Chapter to suit his pocket. There is an initiation fee on entry and in due course regalia will have to be bought. The meeting is normally followed by a dinner, the cost depending on the venue. There is, in addition, an annual subscription.
Is it correct that you have to be in Royal Arch before you can join other orders?
There are a number of orders such as Knights Templar, Red Cross of Constantine and Royal & Select Masters where it is a prerequisite that you are a member of the Royal Arch but you should enquire from your proposer to be sure.
Sources: With thanks to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England.